Since a long time ago, I knew that I have many bad characters. I am grumpy, arrogant, and selfish. Aku gampang marah kalo ada yang nggak cocok dikit, apalagi kalo aku lagi capek ato stress pasti semua orang termasuk ortuku kena' marah. Tapi aku nggak nyangka kalo seburuk itu. Selama ini aku selalu ngeliat keburukan orang lain dan seringkali aku nggak bisa nerima itu. But now I know that they're better than me. Kalo biasanya aku punya alasan untuk membela diriku sendiri, kali ini aku nggak bisa ngomong apa-apa. I will not deny it! I feel that I am the worst person in this world!
I'm really sorry for everyone who feel hurt because of me, because of my words, because of my attitude. If I could I would change the past. But past is the past. I can't do anything. But I don't want to live like this. I have to change. To be a better person with better attitude. Forgive me.. :'(